Studia licencjackie, magisterskie i podyplomowe Online w Australii. Program studiów jest taki sam jak podczas studiów stacjonarnych, studenci uczą się tych samych przedmiotów i przyswajają te same treści. Dyplom ukończenia studiów online nie różni się niczym od dyplomu ukończenia studiów prowadzonych według klasycznych metod kształcenia. Coraz więcej osób pracuje zdalnie, komunikując się z pracodawcą za pośrednictwem sieci. Teraz możliwe jest również studiowanie online – i zdobycie w ten sposób dyplomu ukończenia studiów wyższych.
Studiowanie online polega na zdobywaniu wykształcenia bez fizycznej obecności w murach uczelni. Oznacza to, że możesz uczyć się z dowolnego miejsca na ziemi, nie przebywając na kampusie. Wykładowcy akademiccy spotykają się ze studentami w wirtualnych salach wykładowych, przeprowadzając zajęcia przez internet. Studia w trybie online posiadają znaczącą przewagę nad swoim stacjonarnym odpowiednikiem, pozwalają na oszczędność czasu, finansów, stając się świetną alternatywą dla długich godzin spędzonych w uczelnianych salach. Czy pracodawcy patrzą mniej przychylnie na osoby, które ukończyły studia online? Wręcz przeciwnie! Coraz częściej decydują się na zatrudnienie właśnie ich, wiedząc, że osoby, które kształciły się online muszą wykazać się sporą odpowiedzialnością oraz samodyscypliną. Rekrutacja otwarta, zapisz się na studia i ukończ je Online!
Stypendia w wysokości do 30% kosztów za studia dostępne są dla naszych Klientów. Pomagamy bezpłatnie w złożeniu wniosku o uzyskanie stypendium.
Studia Online w Torrens University Australia
- General Business
- Event Management
- Sports Management
Business courses and degrees ensure you graduate job-ready in your chosen industry. We set you up for career success with theoretical foundations and hands-on experience.
- Diploma of Business
- Diploma of Business (Entrepreneurship)
- Diploma of Business (Event Management)
- Diploma of Business Information Systems
- Diploma of Business (Marketing)
- Diploma of Business (Sport Management)
- Bachelor of Business
- Bachelor of Business (Entrepreneurship)
- Bachelor of Business (Event Management)
- Bachelor of Business Information Systems
- Bachelor of Business (Marketing)
- Bachelor of Business (Sport Management)
- Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting)
- Graduate Certificate of Business Administration
- Graduate Certificate of Global Project Management
- Graduate Certificate of Sport Management (Partnership with Real Madrid Graduate School)
- Graduate Diploma of Business Administration
- Graduate Diploma of Business Information Systems
- Graduate Diploma of Global Project Management
- Master of Business Administration
- Master of Business Administration (Advanced)
- Master of Business Administration (Sport Management)(Partnership with Real Madrid Graduate School)
- Master of Business Administration Sports Management (Advanced)(Partnership with Real Madrid Graduate School)
- Master of Business Analytics
- Master of Business Analytics (Advanced)
- Master of Business Information Systems
- Master of Engineering Management
- Master of Global Project Management
- Master of Global Project Management (Advanced)
- Master of Professional Accounting
- Master of Professional Accounting (Advanced)
- Master of Business Administration and Master of Global Project Management
- Master of Business Administration and Master of Public Health
- Master of Global Project Management and Master of Public Health
- Graduate Certificate of Economics of Sustainability (Partnership with Modern Money Lab)
- Graduate Diploma of Economics of Sustainability (Partnership with Modern Money Lab)
- Master of Economics of Sustainability (Partnership with Modern Money Lab)
- Graphic & Communication Design
- Interior Design & Decoration
- Fashion Design, Marketing & Enterprise
- Photography & Photo Imaging
Design courses and degrees help you harness your creative talents, combining them with the practical and technical skills to build a long-lasting career. Learn design thinking principles and techniques to excel in a wide range of industries.
- Diploma of 3D Design and Animation
- Diploma of Branded Fashion Design
- Diploma of Design
- Diploma of Fashion Marketing and Enterprise
- Diploma of Film and Video Design
- Diploma of Game Design and Development
- Diploma of Graphic Design
- Diploma of Interior Design and Decoration
- Diploma of Photography and Photo Imaging
- Diploma of Software Engineering
- Diploma of UX and Web Design
- Bachelor of 3D Design and Animation
- Bachelor of Architectural Technology
- Bachelor of Branded Fashion Design
- Bachelor of Communication Design
- Bachelor of Fashion Marketing and Enterprise
- Bachelor of Game Design and Development
- Bachelor of Interior Design (Commercial)
- Bachelor of Interior Design (Residential)
- Bachelor of Software Engineering (Artificial Intelligence)
- Bachelor of Software Engineering (Game Programming)
- Bachelor of UX and Web Design
- Graduate Certificate of Design
- Master of Design
- Master of Software Engineering (Artificial Intelligence, Advanced)
- Special Education
- Reading and Literacy
- Innovation and Change
- Learning and Teaching
Our Education courses and degrees provide fresh perspectives on teaching. Specialise in Inclusive Education, Inclusive Literacies, Leadership & Innovation, or Learning and Teaching to develop the skills to support individuals with a range of capabilities.
- Nursing
- Naturopathy
- Counselling
- Nutrition
Health courses and degrees combine theory and practical work across a range of specialist areas. Our hands-on approach allows you to develop your strengths, follow your passion and graduate ready to make a difference.
- Diploma of Beauty and Spa
- Diploma of Health and Wellbeing
- Diploma of Health Science
- Bachelor of Community Services
- Graduate Certificate of Public Health
- Graduate Diploma of Public Health
- Master of Public Health
- Master of Public Health (Advanced)
- Master of Business Administration and Master of Public Health
- Master of Global Project Management and Master of Public Health
- Doctor of Philosophy
- Master of Philosophy
- Professional Doctorate (Research)
A research degree deepens your understanding and expands your qualifications while adding to your specialisation’s body of knowledge. Further your study with a Master of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy or Professional Doctorate (Research).
- Hospitality Management
- Tourism Management
- Hotel Management
Hospitality courses and degrees combine theory and practical work. Whether you study Hospitality, Hotel or Tourism Management, you’ll be prepared for an exciting career that can take you anywhere. Get globally recognised qualifications at BMIHMS, the no.1 Hotel Management school in APAC (Kantar, 2020).
- Artificial Intelligence
- Cloud Computing
- Information Technology
- Game Design and Development
Technology courses and degrees provide both foundation and advanced capability in specialist areas within this dynamic field, including Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Game Design and Development, Information Technology and Software Engineering.
- Diploma of Business Information Systems
- Diploma of Cybersecurity
- Diploma of Game Design and Development
- Diploma of Information Technology
- Diploma of Software Engineering
- Diploma of UX and Web Design
- Bachelor of 3D Design and Animation
- Bachelor of Cybersecurity
- Bachelor of Business Information Systems
- Bachelor of Game Design and Development
- Bachelor of Information Technology
- Bachelor of Software Engineering (Artificial Intelligence)
- Bachelor of Software Engineering (Game Programming)
- Bachelor of UX and Web Design
- Graduate Certificate of Cybersecurity
- Graduate Certificate of Information Technology
- Graduate Diploma of Business Information Systems
- Graduate Diploma of Cybersecurity
- Graduate Diploma of Information Technology
- Master of Business Analytics
- Master of Business Analytics (Advanced)
- Master of Business Information Systems
- Master of Cybersecurity
- Master of Cybersecurity (Advanced)
- Master of Engineering Management
- Master of Information Technology
- Master of Information Technology (Advanced)
- Master of Software Engineering (Artificial Intelligence, Advanced)
Film o Torrens University Australia
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