University of Westminster jest uczelnią publiczną, założoną w 1838 roku. Uniwersytet jest członkiem Association of Commonwealth Universities, the Association of MBAs, EFMD, EQUIS, the European University Association and Universities UK. University of Westminster oferuje studia typu Undergraduate, Postgraduate oraz Professional and short courses.
Kierunki studiów: Accounting, Finance and Economics, Architecture and Interiors, Art and Design, Biomedical Sciences, Biosciences, Business and Management, Business Information Systems, Computer and Network Engineering, Computer Science and Software Engineering, Criminology, Digital Media and Games Computing, English, Fashion, History, Human Resource Management, Journalism, Digital Media and PR, Languages, Law, Linguistics, Marketing, Music, Nutrition, Photography, Planning, Housing and Urban Design, Politics and International Relations, Property and Construction, PsychologySociology, Television, Film and Moving Image, Tourism and Events, Transport and Logistics, Visual Culture.
Kampus: Szkoła posiada 4 kampusy z czego 3 mieszczą się w centrum Londynu – The Regent Campus, The Marylebone Campus, The Cavendish Campus, The Harrow Campus.
Studenci: Na uniwersytecie studiuje 19 650 studentów. 15 210 osób na kierunkach undergraduates i 4 445 studentów na postgraduates.
Adres uniwersytetu: University of Westminster, 309 Regent Street, London W1B 2HW, United Kingdom
Adres internetowy:
Szkoły w University of Westminster
- College of Design
- Creative and Digital Industries
- School of Architecture and Cities
- School of Computer Science and Engineering
- Westminster School of Arts
- Westminster School of Media and Communications
- College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
- School of Humanities
- School of Life SciencesSchool of Social Sciences
- Westminster Law School
- Westminster Business School
- School of Applied Management
- School of Finance and Accounting
- School of Management and Marketing
- School of Organisations, Economy and Society
Programy w University of Westminster
Film o University of Westminster
Wymagana znajomość angielskiego
- B2/Higher Intermediate
- 6.0 overall with no less than 5.5 in any band
Pomoc w złożeniu aplikacji
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